Parenting & Child

Teenagers and Social Media; A Basic Guide for Parents
Years ago, when you were a kid, one of your Mum and Dad’s biggest worries was probably keeping track of just where you were..

Effective, Easy-to-Use Tools for Really Listening to Your Teen
Many parents of teenagers almost naturally assume that their child really doesn’t have much interest in talking to them…

Seven Surefire Ways to Ensure Your Child Hates Reading for Life
Most parents understand the importance and value of reading, and many happen to rather enjoy it themselves…

Six Easy-to-Master Secrets for a Better Parent-Teen Relationship
Bam. Your kid blew out the candles on their thirteenth birthday cake and, as your parents, grandparents and wiser…

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic – The Learning Style That Beats Chanting Every Time

‘Yess’ to youth success
Although the school year is drawing to a close, education is still at the fore and a daily affair at LiveSmart Asia!

More Effective Note Taking for Study Through Mind Maps
Note taking is, as many people do already know, is an important part of successful study. There is however, a right and wrong way to do things.

One Big Study Mistake Even Smart Students Make and How to Fix It
Every parent is of course delighted to see their child studying, especially for a big test or exam, as well they should be.