Parenting & Child
Easy – But Effective – Ways to Boost Your Teen’s Self-Esteem
However long ago it was that you were a teenager, you are likely to remember that it wasn’t the easiest time in your life.
Teenage Insomnia: Is it the Real Reason Your Teen is Always Tired? How to Help
As a parent you know that it’s crucial that your children get enough sleep, and that is especially true for teenagers whose school workload gets harder every year while conversely the results they get matter more than ever.
Making the Most of Your Time with the Pomodoro Technique
There are a lot of different time management strategies and methods out there but many who have tried it even for a short time feel that The Pomodoro Technique is unlike any other, and in a good way.
How to Help Your Child Develop Better Research Skills for School Projects and More
As kids advance through their school career the ability to research information efficiently and accurately becomes more and more important, especially for those school projects that can be worth so many marks.
Helping Your Kid Achieve Great School Work and Social Life Balance
When a kid is in school, they often feel like balancing their social life with the demands of their academic life is almost impossible. Much the same as you probably feel about work, family and your social life too.
Classical Music and Studying: The Top 10 Pieces to Listen to for Test Success, Stress Relief, Relaxion and More
You may be aware that for some people listening to music while they work or study actually helps them focus and concebtrate better, not distract them as some often assume.
10 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Confidence
Most adults believe that emotions are mystifying things that come from deep within the brain and that they are almost impossible to control. Because they believe this, people try to suppress their emotions rather than deal with them, and if those adults are parents it is a trait that they tend to pass on to their kids.