‘Yess’ to youth success

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Although the school year is drawing to a close, education is still at the fore and a daily affair at LiveSmart Asia!

Although the school year is drawing to a close, education is still at the fore and a daily affair at LiveSmart Asia!

This is the time when parents frantically hunt for workshops and seminars to keep their little geniuses’ minds busy and, at the same time prepare their youth academically for the following year.

Look no more folk, as Benjamin Jeremiah Ong and his team from LiveSmart Asia are all out to raise academic results and build strong characters through its YESS21 programme.

With over a decade’s worth of experience in coaching and training, Ong now extends his reach beyond the shores of Singapore, to over 21,000 students in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and India.

For 21st century youths to be successful, Ong believes that they should develop four pillars in their lives which are the: • “I Know” pillar – to understand the importance of setting specific goals and developing a positive mindset to start unleashing their potential.

  • “I Can” pillar – a powerful mindset that grooms youths to be the influencer of success, rather than be easily influenced by unmotivated peers.
  • “I Must” pillar – core skills for youths that are needed to tackle the path that lies before them, whether in school or in society.
  • “I Trust” pillar – essential communication skills that allow youths to develop a greater sense of empathy and become more expressive with their ideas and experiences.

LiveSmart Asia will hold introductory workshops in several countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. To find out more information about us and how to register your youth, visit www.livesmart.asia

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